Adding new device types


This is the most complex part of LAVA and it can be a lot of work (sometimes several months) to integrate a completely new device into LAVA. V2 offers a different and wider range of support to V1 but some devices will need new support to be written within lava-dispatcher. It is not always possible to automate a new device, depending on how the device connects to LAVA, how the device is powered and whether the software on the device allows the device to be controlled remotely. However, do not be tempted into using this complexity as an excuse to fall into the trap of simplistic testing.

Experience is the hardest and the most expensive teacher of all. This section is an attempt to gather a set of guidelines from the collective experience of a range of developers based on a wide range of devices and the attempts to integrate those devices into LAVA. Not all such integrations succeeded and more than one attempt resulted in broken hardware. Most labs will be asked to integrate prototype or pre-production hardware which always bring their own unique mix of unexpected errors, limitations and failure methods.

The integration process is different for every new device. Therefore, this documentation can only provide hints about such devices, based on experience within the LAVA software and lab teams. Please talk to us before starting on the integration of a new device using the Mailing lists. Include full details of the type of device, the bootloader specifications, hardware support and anything you have done so far to automate the device. Sometimes, the supplied bootloader must be modified to allow automation. Some devices need electrical modifications or specialized hardware to be automated.

Integrating a new device type will involve some level of development work, the device type templates are more than configuration. Testing new device type templates requires setting up a developer workflow and running unit tests as well as running test jobs on a LAVA instance. If the new device type involves a new boot or deployment method, there will also need to be changes in the lava-dispatcher codebase. New elements of the test job submissions and device configuration may also need changes to the schema in lava-server. Some new device types will be a lot easier than others - for example U-Boot tends to have a reasonably consistent interface across multiple devices, so changes for a new U-Boot device could be as little as setting variables after extending the base-uboot.jinja2 template.

The LAVA developers encourage new device type templates to be contributed upstream as a community contribution to LAVA.

Device Requirements

The LAVA software and lab teams have built up a set of guidelines relating to the integration of new device-types. The further a device deviates from one or more of these guidelines, the harder it will become to automate such a device. Always remember that the way that the device is supported must scale to large labs which already contain a range of other devices, each with their own issues. It is not acceptable to add a new device-type which is incompatible with devices which are already supported or which imposes restrictions on how many devices of any type can be used in any one lab.

The guidelines only consider a limited number of possible problems with device integration. The guidelines are written using our experiences of a variety of poorly behaving devices over years of development of automation software like LAVA. Depending on local admins, some labs can cope with hardware which does not comply with all guidelines, particularly if the devices are not being used at scale. However, the more devices are deployed in any lab, the more it will be necessary for every device to fully comply or such labs will quickly deteriorate, generating unreliable results.

These guidelines describe device behavior as a whole. This is a combination of the device hardware and the firmware. Some devices support replacing the firmware. Sometimes this can aid automation, sometimes is can cause more problems and complexity.

Device integration issues are often invisible when testing with a single device attached to a single developer machine, so the single device implementation must be proven to be reliable and reproducible before starting to add more devices. For best results, only ever change one thing at a time.

It is not possible to automate every piece of hardware, there are a number of critical limitations.


Reproducibility is the ability to deploy exactly the same software to the same board(s) and running exactly the same tests many times in a row, getting exactly the same results each time.

For automation to work, all device functions which need to be used in automation must always produce the same results on each device of a specific device type, irrespective of any previous operations on that device, given the same starting hardware configuration.

There is no way to automate a device which behaves unpredictably.

Example One

Some devices have a mode which boots one boot method on the first boot and then a different boot method on the second boot without allowing for failures or canceled boot operations. This alternating boot is not suitable for automation because it would require the automation to keep state and does not take account of test job failures and cancellations.

Example Two

A device which supports jumpers or DIP switches must respect those hardware settings no matter what software is deployed to the device, including when that software is buggy, broken or written to the wrong location. It must not be possible for test jobs to brick the device, that is to prevent the device from being able to start the next test job without admin intervention.


Reliability is the ability to run a wide range of test jobs, stressing different parts of the overall deployment, with a variety of tests and always getting a Complete test job. There must be no JobError or InfrastructureError failures and there should be limited variability in the time taken to run the test jobs to avoid the need for excessive Timeouts.

The same hardware configuration and infrastructure must always behave in precisely the same way. The same commands and operations to the device must always generate the same behavior.

  • If a device does not always recognize a critical component, for example the network hardware, then that device cannot be automated.
  • If a device drops the serial connection or resets the connection in some situations during image deployment, then the device is not sufficiently reliable to be integrated.
  • If a device relies on USB, it is possible that errors in the device hardware or software can cause instability in the USB stack of the worker to which it is connected. (Unlike ethernet, USB is a direct metal to metal connection and cannot be electrically isolated.) This can potentially cause issues with unrelated devices on the same worker.


Many reliability issues can be symptoms of infrastructure problems but many devices can also exacerbate these failures by behaving in ways which do not fully comply with the standards and expectations of the infrastructure. It is essential that reliability issues are debugged during the process of scaling up the number of devices and complexity of your LAVA lab. Do not wait to debug reliability problems until after you have many devices. Quite how many devices counts as too many will vary massively according to the complexity of the requirements for each device. Sometimes, the only way to tackle reliability problems is to scale back, take devices offline or disconnect entire groups of devices and infrastructure. Debug your reliability issues before putting such devices into a production lab to minimize the risk of scheduled downtime.


The device must support deployment of files and booting of the device without any need for a human to monitor or interact with the process. The need to press buttons is undesirable but can be managed in some cases by using relays. However, every extra layer of complexity reduces the overall reliability of the automation process and the need for buttons should be limited or eliminated wherever possible. If a device uses on LEDs to indicate the success of failure of operations, such LEDs must only be indicative. The device must support full control of that process using only commands and operations which do not rely on observation.


See also

Growing your lab

All methods used to automate a device must have minimal footprint in terms of load on the workers, complexity of scripting support and infrastructure requirements. This is a complex area and can trivially impact on both reliability and reproducibility as well as making it much more difficult to debug problems which do arise. Admins must also consider the complexity of combining multiple different devices which each require multiple layers of support.

Some devices may need:

  • relays to work around buttons,
  • specialized hardware to work around deployment limitations,
  • complex scripting around power control,
  • a need to use LXC for automation.

Any one of these burdens will make debugging issues on the worker and on the devices difficult. Any combination of these burdens make debugging many times more difficult than any one burden alone.


ALWAYS START SMALL and move forward in small steps. Remember that many of the deployment methods and tools used with some devices have been developed and tested only on the single-developer, single-device model. Once a single device is working, scale up slowly, make one change at a time then run dozens, preferably hundreds, of tests before stepping up in scale. It can make a significant difference even scaling up from one device to two, let alone to four or ten. Even the best behaved devices will need care to scale up to dozens of devices. LAVA can work with hundreds of devices but the only way to know how to deploy hundreds of your devices is to build slowly from one to two and then four, ten and beyond. To use thousands of devices, it is usually best to consider a frontend which pulls results from several Micro-instances.

Every LAVA lab is different. Planning is essential. When there is any expectation that the lab will grow to support a lot of devices, take care at the earliest initial stages to plan for the infrastructure that can cope with the expected scale (and then add a bit again). It can be very expensive (in time and money) to replace the initial infrastructure like UPS or network switches or PDU.


Devices MUST support automated resets either by the removal of all power supplied to the DUT or a full reboot or other reset which clears all previous state of the DUT.

Every boot must reliably start, without interaction, directly from the first application of power without the limitation of needing to press buttons or requiring other interaction. Relays and other arrangements can be used at the cost of increasing the overall complexity of the solution, so should be avoided wherever possible.

Devices which have internal batteries become difficult to reliably automate, unless the battery can be permanently removed. Forced reboots become impossible without electrical modification of the device to temporarily take the battery out of circuit. This means that it is much easier to cause the device to go offline because of a broken kernel build or broken image.

Battery charging can be an issue - devices may not behave normally when held in fastboot mode or with a broken kernel build or image deployed to the system. This can cause the device to fail to keep charge in the battery or fail to recharge the battery, despite having power available.


Serial power leaks some devices are capable of drawing power over the serial line used to control the device, despite the actual power supply being disconnected. Sometimes this requires a period of time to discharge capacitors on the board (fixable by adding a sleep in the power_off_command). Sometimes this power leak can cause the device to latch into a particular bootloader mode or other state which prevents the automation from proceeding.


For a lot of devices, simply cycling power is sufficient for a full reset. If the device supports reset by other means, for example when a serial connection is made, then these resets must completely reset the device so as to clear all buffers from previous test runs or deployments, including when such test runs or deployments failed in unexpected ways.


It is recommended for all devices that admins disable ability of the device to automatically boot anything, but rather simply drop to the bootloader prompt.


Ethernet - all devices using ethernet interfaces in LAVA must have a unique MAC address on each interface. The MAC address must be persistent across reboots. No assumptions should be made about fixed IP addresses, address ranges or pre-defined routes. If more than one interface is available, the boot process must be configurable to always use the same interface every time the device is booted.

WiFi - is not currently supported as a method of booting devices.

Serial console

LAVA expects to automate devices by interacting with the serial port immediately after power is applied to the device. The bootloader must interact with the serial port. If a serial port is not available on the device, suitable additional hardware must be provided before integration can begin. All messages about the boot process must be visible using the serial port and the serial port should remain usable for the duration of all test jobs on the device.

Integration process

To add support for a new device type, a certain amount of development and testing will be required.

For some new device types, only a new device type jinja2 template will be required. Every new template requires testing and a certain amount of debugging. Device type templates need to be considered as code, not only configuration. Some familiarity with how to debug a LAVA instance will be necessary.

For other device types, new dispatcher Action classes and new or modified strategy classes will be needed. This typically involves a lot of development time - make sure that you Contributing Upstream so that your local changes do not break when you next upgrade your LAVA instance(s).

In addition, every new device type will need to be tested on a local LAVA instance, so an amount of LAVA administration work will be necessary.

It is strongly recommended that everyone who starts work to integrate a new device type into LAVA is already familiar with administering their own LAVA instance and has submitted dozens of LAVA test jobs on at least two different device types already known to work in LAVA V2. In most cases, a development instance will be needed as well, so some familiarity with installing and upgrading a LAVA instance is also recommended.

This means that developers adding new device types should already be familiar with:

In addition, some device types will require the developer to also be familiar with:


Before going any further, please talk to us using the Mailing lists. Do not rush into integration. It is tempting to ask a lot of questions on IRC but other conversations will overlap and pasting logs can become a burden. Use the mailing list and attach all the relevant data.

Find a similar existing device type

There are a number of places to check for similar types of device which are already supported in LAVA V2.


Check for:

  • similar bootloader
  • similar deployment type
  • similar deployment or boot process
  • similar sequence of boot steps

If you do not find something similar, we strongly recommend that you stop here and talk to us before doing anything else. Be clear about exactly what kind of device you are trying to integrate. Include details of exactly how the device currently boots and exactly how new files are deployed to the device. Do not resort to simplistic testing.


Do not be tempted to re-use the existing support for something which is not actually using that support. Just because your custom system looks like U-Boot or fastboot does not mean you should mangle the existing support to fit. If you need something which is similar but not the same, write a new set of classes and templates. By all means, use that existing code as a starting point.

Avoid sharing method-specific syntax with a similar but different method. U-Boot or fastboot parameters and options remain specific to U-Boot or fastboot respectively. While this might look like a quick and easy way to add support, it is very likely that future changes to the support you’re abusing might break your tests without warning.

Extend from an existing device type template

All new device type templates need to extend 'base.jinja2' but there are also other base templates which simplify the process for certain bootloaders. For example, all new U-Boot device type templates should extend 'base-uboot.jinja2. Many new fastboot device type templates can extend 'base-fastboot.jinja2. Avoid directly extending any of the templates which do not have the base prefix - instead copy the existing template for your new device type. When this template is contributed upstream, a new base template can be considered as part of the review process.

Extend the template unit tests

All device type template files in lava_scheduler_app/tests/device-types will be checked for simple YAML validity by the test_all_templates unit test. However, a dedicated unit test is recommended for all but the simplest of new device type templates. At the very least, having a unit test for your new device type template will assist in debugging why the test job does not run to completion. The full device configuration can be output as part of running the unit test by changing the debug value to True at the top of the TestTemplates class in

Add your new device-type template to lava_scheduler_app/tests/device-types. Edit lava_scheduler_app/tests/ and add a new unit test for your device-type based on one of the existing test functions. Create a dummy device dictionary as a data string and ensure that the combination of the template and the dictionary creates a valid device. This can be as simple as:

   def test_pixel_template(self):
       self.assertTrue(self.validate_data('staging-pixel-01', """{% extends 'pixel.jinja2' %}
{% set adb_serial_number = 'FDAC1231DAD' %}
{% set fastboot_serial_number = 'FDAC1231DAD' %}
{% set device_info = [{'board_id': 'FDAC1231DAD'}] %}

In many cases, some of the default values in the base template will need to be altered for your new device-type. For example:

{% set boot_character_delay = 150 %}

If the value may also need to be extended for some devices of this device type, you should provide the new value as a default in the template so that a device dictionary can set an override:

{% set baud_rate = baud_rate | default(115200) %}


When setting updated values for defaults in the base template, ensure that the line setting the new value is above the start of the important body block which will contain the output of that value.

{% extends 'base.jinja2' %}
{% set boot_character_delay = 150 %}
{% set console_device = console_device | default('ttyAMA0') %}
{% set baud_rate = baud_rate | default(115200) %}

{% set base_nfsroot_args = nfsroot_args | default(base_nfsroot_args) -%}
{% set kernel_args = kernel_args | default('acpi=force') %}

{% block body %}

Every time you make a change to the new template in lava_scheduler_app/tests/device-types, re-run the specific unit test for your new device type. For example, a new unit test function defined as test_foobar_template can be run without running the rest of the unit tests:

$ python3 -m unittest -vcf lava_scheduler_app.tests.test_templates.TestTemplates.test_foobar_template

Remember that device type templates are not just configuration files - the templates are processed as source code at runtime and can use various types of logic to substitute the correct variables and omit other variables. Always make your changes in lava_scheduler_app/tests/device-types and always run the unit test to ensure that changes to the template continue to produce a valid device configuration after each change.

Only when the unit test passes should the new device type template be copied to /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/. If the scheduler tries to assign a test job to a device using this template, a check will be made to ensure that the output of the template and the device dictionary is valid. If that check fails, the test job will not start and the failure will be logged:

[WARNING] [lava-master] [9] Refusing to reserve for broken V2 device intel-smecher

This message indicates that test job ID 9 will never start to run until the device dictionary and the device type template for the device intel-smecher are fixed so that the output is valid. It is common for the rendering of new device type templates to cause subtle YAML syntax errors. It is also common for the output to be valid YAML but not valid device configuration. The unit test must check for a valid device configuration, not simply valid YAML. In addition, whenever it is imperative that a certain value is overridden in the device type template compared to the base template, the unit test must check that this value has been correctly set in the generated pipeline. Check the other unit tests in the test_* files to see how this is done. e.g. for QEMU from

   def test_qemu_installer(self):
       data = """{% extends 'qemu.jinja2' %}
{% set mac_addr = 'DE:AD:BE:EF:28:01' %}
{% set memory = 512 %}"""
       job_ctx = {'arch': 'amd64'}
       template_dict = prepare_jinja_template('staging-qemu-01', data, job_ctx=job_ctx, raw=False)


This section only covers the unit tests in the lava_scheduler_app directories in the LAVA codebase. If your device integration process requires changes in the lava_dispatcher directory, a set of unit tests will also be required there to ensure that the new code operates correctly.