HTTP proxies

When running jobs, LAVA is fetching many resources from remote servers over http. In some situation or when many jobs are running in parallel, the network performances could become a bottleneck.

To improve network performances, admins could setup a caching service that will keep a local version of the resources used by LAVA.

Admin can choice among two kind of caching service:

Using the HTTP proxy

The dispatcher will use the proxy configured in the HTTP_PROXY environment variable.

Environment variables are set in:

  • /etc/lava-server/env.yaml for every dispatchers
  • /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<name>/env.yaml for a specific dispatcher

Using the HTTP cache

The dispatcher will use the caching service defined in the dispatcher configuration in /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<name>/dispatcher.yaml.

Set http_url_format_string to the url of the local caching service.

http_url_format_string: ""

Handling bots

LAVA has a lot of URLs which may take a lot of work to render on the server. If automated search bots routinely try to fetch these URLs, the instance can have performance issues.

LAVA includes a default robots.txt template which disallows the dynamic content to reduce the impact on the server. static/ is allowed so that files like the documentation can be indexed.

To serve a custom robots.txt from the root of the instance, using Apache, add an alias at the top of /etc/apache2/sites-available/lava-server.conf:

Alias /robots.txt /usr/share/lava-server/static/robots.txt

Some bots will handle /robots.txt` but some do not (or mishandle options within the file). To handle this, django supports ``DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS and this is exposed in /etc/lava-server/settings.conf.

“DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS”: [“yandex”, “bing”],

The values in DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS are translated into regular expressions using re.compile with re.IGNORECASE so are case-insensitive.


Always check your robots.txt and DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS settings on a local VM before modifying the main instance.